Programming on Bangla script writing by NSU

Campus report :
As technology is evolving into a driving force in our society, the need for computer programming is also arising.
North South University (NSU) students with a teacher unveiled “Cha Script”, the first ever programming language (more precisely, scripting language) completely in Bangla.
However, since most of the computer programming languages are English-based, they can act as barriers for learning computer programming for people who are not fluent in English.
A group of computer science students of NSU with a teacher took the initiative to build an educational programming language.
To put it simply, forget English. Everything is completely in Bangla. This makes it much easier for young students who are interested in computer programming but had to hold back their talents due to limited language proficiency. Language barrier is no longer an issue as this new programming language will definitely help the local talent to experience programming in a whole new platform.
“Cha Script is an effort that started as a class project said supervisor of this team, Dr Nova Ahmed, Assistant Prof of NSU. It will allow you to program using Bengali language apart from the English interface.
Why will it be useful? We already have nice programming languages and eventually you have to write your code in English- do we really need to go back to Bengali? So, what we have is not an alternative, it is a bridge to introduce our students, most of whom study in Bengali medium, to the world of logic. Once you grasp the concept it will be much easier to switch to any other programming language.”
There are free tutorials (completely in Bangla) for those who wanted to learn through a more guided approach. But if you are more of a “hands-on” programmer, then just take a look at the numerous examples and code away. So how do we install Cha Script? No installation is required at all! This allows a much quicker access all the time. However, if you prefer to code offline a downloadable version is also available.
Now let’s look at Cha Script from a different perspective. There are non-English based programming languages almost in every major language from Chinese to Arabic, Hindi, French, Persian, Latvian and others. Cha Script is like JavaScript in Bangla and so being the first of its kind, Cha Script is unquestionably a matter of great pride for all Bangla speaking people.
Cha Script will probably create opportunities for many Bangladeshis to learn computer programming, thus playing an integral part in the making of a Digital Bangladesh.