Professor Dr. Jasimuddin Khan, acting vice-chancellor and Pro-vice chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University and Dr. Alex Winter-Nelson, Director, ADM Institute for the prevention of Postharvest Loss, University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign in USA Inaugurates the Advanced Drying Lab and Advanced Storage lab as apart of research collaboration entitled Post-harvest loss Reduction Innovation Lab(PHLIL) at the Dept. of Farm Power & Machinery of BAU in Mymensingh on Monday.

Professor Dr. Jasimuddin Khan, acting vice-chancellor and Pro-vice chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University and Dr. Alex Winter-Nelson, Director, ADM Institute for the prevention of Postharvest Loss, University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign in U
Professor Dr. Jasimuddin Khan, acting vice-chancellor and Pro-vice chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University and Dr. Alex Winter-Nelson, Director, ADM Institute for the prevention of Postharvest Loss, University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign in U