Professional skills obligation for attainment in banking sector

Rajshahi Correspondent :
Senior bankers at a training session asked their field-level subordinates to gain professional skills as it is inevitable for attaining success in the banking sector for overall socio-economic development of the region.
They urged them to make their banking activities client-friendly so that they get total benefits of the banking service.
They were addressing the inaugural session of a two-week long fundamental training course on banking activities for 54 newly appointed supervisors of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) at its training institute here yesterday. General Manager (Operation) Riaz Uddin Mian addressed the session as chief guest with principal of the institute Mozammel Haque in the chair.
Faculty Members Mobinur Rashid Sarker, Ronajit Kumar Sen and Md Ahsan Ullah also spoke.
The speakers highlighted the importance of the bank in agricultural development of the northwest Bangladesh and asked the field level bankers to apply the knowledge to be acquired from the training in the professional field properly for boosting agricultural production in the region.
As the largest development partner in the agricultural sector of the northwest Bangladesh, RAKUB plays a vital role to earn economic emancipation and free the nation from poverty and hunger through boosting credit-flow to the potential agricultural fields, they added.