Prof Konak Barua new VC of BSMMU

Staff Reporter :
Professor Dr Konak Kanti Barua, a neurosurgeon, has been appointed new Vice-Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMUU).
Chairman of the Neurosurgery Department and Dean of the Surgery Department Kanak Kanti Barua said that he was informed of it by the Health Ministry on Thursday.
A leader of the professionals’ body supporting the ruling Awami League, Professor Barua will replace Professor Kamrul Hasan Khan.
He will remain in the post for three years after taking office on March 24, when Professor Kamrul Hasan ends his term.
Professor Kanak Kanti Barua finished his MBBS from Dhaka Medical College in 1977 and held the position of President of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons.
He is the first Vice-President of Bangladesh Medical Association and Swadhinata Chikitsak Parishad