Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan passes away


Pioneer of non-government university in Bangladesh and founder VC of IUBAT Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan passed away at 7:35 am on Wednesday (Inna lillahi —– Rajiun), says a press release.
His first Namaz-e-Janaza was held at Sector 6, Uttara Mosque yesterday after Asr prayer. Second Namaz-e-Janaza will take place at Dhaka University Mosque after Zuhr Prayer and third Namaz-e-Janaza will take place at IUBAT University premise after Asr Prayer on Thursday( May 11). Members of IUBAT mourned the death of Prof Miyan . Prof Dr M Alimullah Miyan was the founder VC of IUBAT( International University of Business Agriculture and Technology) established in 1991. After completing his Honours and Masters Degrees at DU, he received his MBA at Indiana University, USA and his Phd at Manchester Business School, UK. HE was a Professor of Marketing science 1980. He has published extensively on Human Resources and Business Management, Industrial Relations, Marketing, Social Development Programs, Climate Change, Sustainability, Disaster Management, Coastal Zone Management, Family Planning and other International organisations. Energy Policy and Education as well as he is a lead author of the Special Report on Extreme Events and Climate Change, IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. He has consulted widely and for many International Agencies including the EU, UNDP, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, IPCC, WMO, IGBP, APN, European Union, USAID, IOC, CARE, The Aga Khan Foundation, UNICEF, UNESCO, Mennonite Central Committee, World Vision, DANIDA, ILO, UNFPA, FAO, UNWFP, OECD, ADPC, Commonwealth Secretariat, in addition to his numerous consultancies for the Bangladesh Government and nongovernment organizations. He was the Chairman of the Regional Centre of Expertise on RCE Greater Dhaka, founding Executive Board Member, AMDISA ; Executive Member, International Society for Labour and Social Security Law; Member, Int’l Labour and Employment Relations Assoc, Geneva; Member, Society for International Development, Rome; Regional Chair, IAUP , USA; and Past President of Rotary Club of Dhaka and Greater Dhaka and he was affiliated with many development and management organizations at home and abroad.
