Productivity awardees to get CIP like facilities


The nominated representatives of the National Productivity and Quality Excellence Award receiving organisations will enjoy all kinds of facilities like the Commercially Important Persons (CIP-Industry).
A proposal, in this regard, will be placed before the cabinet soon, said an official press release here adding, the decision came on Sunday from the 11th meeting of National Productivity Council (NPC) at the Industries Ministry with its Senior Secretary Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan presiding.
Speaking at the meeting, Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan underscored the need for ensuring quality products side by side with increasing productivity in industries to survive in the markets of competition at home and abroad.
He also called upon all to come forward for increasing productivity to create employment opportunities for the educated youth.
Among others, representatives of several ministries, divisions, trade bodies and NPC members were present during the meeting.
According to the proposal, the identity card of awardees can be used for entering into the secretariat for one year. They will also get invitation from different national functions. They will also get extra facilities in the government transports.
