Problems of freedom of expressions


Abul Quasem Fazlul Huq :
Freedom of expression constitutes many a complicated problems. It is related to a number of problems which cannot be solved permanently. Freedom absolutely free from public control is impossible. Rule of law is essential. Those who aspire for absolute freedom of expression or desire uncontrolled everlasting freedom get frustrated. Frustration leads to anarchy and aggression. Despotic expressions contribute negatively for the society. One must accommodate individual liberty recognizing the rights of others. Self-restrain and temperance is indispensable. Misuse of freedom brings damaging consequences. However, powerful people are usually found not to worry about societal welfare. We may here remember the great philosopher J. J. Rousseau: ‘Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are.’
We need practical and realistic thought. Problems of freedom of thought vary in time and space. Present day problems in Bangladesh are very complex. Rule of law in all spheres of the society is inadequate. Democracy in practice has lost its meaning. Activities in the name of democracy by the government and political parties are hopelessly miserable for the people. We find nothing good in what is happening in the name of democracy; rather all those activities are condemnable. In a modern state in absence of democracy, the expectation of freedom of thought and expression carries no meaning. Government and political parties try only to control, and not to tolerate opinion of others. Reverence for citizens, in general, is very inadequate among the powerful.
The civil society organizations (CSOs) and non-government organizations (NGOs) in Bangladesh are very powerful and influential. In the name of development agenda they repeatedly propagate some external ideas in our socio-economic, political and cultural spheres. These ideas don’t match with our own realities in most cases. To fulfill external demands in due time the government, civil society and NGO officials and employees engage in unfair means leading to vague and false ideas. The role of NGOs and CSOs is harmful for our normal national development. They create pressure on the government and generate erroneous ideas among citizens. Their role hinders the normal flourishment of politics. With influential jargons, CSOs and NGOs obstruct freedom of thought and expression.
Different print, visual and social media serve as the way to expression. While a few people get access to express some progressive ideas through the news papers, the audience is quite large. Same is the case with the authors of books. However, the news papers and books are also not free from restrictions to express new thoughts of individuals. We see that all the good ideas are not accepted and published in the news papers; reporters are attacked; books are seized from the market; writers are killed. Citizens don’t dare to express their free opinion. These are all beyond rule of law and deserve punishment. Some who have access to internet facilities, express ideas and opinion on issues in different social media. There are examples of arrests and killings. The question also comes whether those using media for expression of free thoughts, and ideas had been doing good for the society; whether they were only being despotic and hurting public sentiment, political sentiment, different interest groups deserves critical evaluation.
Education system doesn’t allow children to develop with free mind. Starting from the primary through secondary, higher secondary to tertiary education, the students are highly burdened with a large number of subjects in their curriculum. Many of the subjects are again externally imposed to be included in the curriculums that keep the students away from building free opinion and thought. Even research scholarships and fundings limit the scholars from conducting research on issues of national importance. Sometimes non-issues are made issues.
In Bangladesh, the debate among the supporters of ‘Secularism’ and ‘State Religion Islam’ suppresses free thought on religions and ideologies. Self-interest of both the groups stimulates such debate among the supporters. The existing circumstances do not allow any rational thought and free opinion.
Armed Islamic Fundamentalists are active. Aware citizens and activists live in constant insecurity and threat. The government proved itself to be a failure in ensuring security and justice. It’s a problem not only of Bangladesh but also of most of the countries of the world. I think, so long the military forces of USA, Britain and NATO continue their operation in the countries of Middle-East, the worldwide rise and activities of Armed Islamic Fundamentalists will not stop. The nationalist forces of the Middle-East have been destroyed by the powerful western forces.
But the suppressed nationalist feeling continues among the people. Moreover, Islamic feelings are also strongly living. The fundamentalists take the advantage of these feelings and are misusing Islam. They desire to kick out foreign forces from their countries. However, their irrational activities prove absence of modern democratic sense. Their line of action is never to succeed.
The object of peace and progress cannot be achieved only by war, and coercive measures. Advanced ideological and cultural preparation and movement is essential.

(The writer : Eminent thinker and Supernumerary Pofessor, Dhaka University)
