Probe panel meets DUCSU VP Nur at hospital


Staff Reporter :
The Dhaka University (DU) probe panel on Saturday met with Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU) Vice-President Nurul Huq Nur at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), where he is being treated injuries sustained during the December 22 attack.
The six-member probe panel has gone to the DMCH on Saturday afternoon, Nur said, adding that, “They asked me about the attack.”
On December 22, Nur and his associates (Bangladesh Council to Protect General Students’ Rights) came under attacks in and outside the DUCSU Bhaban after heated arguments with Bangladesh Chhatra League and Muktijudhho Mancha leaders.
The DUCSU VP and at least 28 of his followers sustained injuries following the attacks and were admitted to DMCH for treatment
Police have arrested three leaders of the Mancha and named five others in a case on charges of carrying out the attacks with an intention to kill. Nur also accused BCL’s Dhaka University unit President Sonjit Kumar Das and General Secretary Saddam Hussain, who is also the assistant general secretary of DUCSU, of leading the attacks in a complaint.
The allegations brought by Nur also included theft of mobile phone and money. Police would investigate the complaint along with the case, Shahbagh police chief Abul Hossain said. The Detective Branch is also investigating the case.
Saddam and DUCSU General Secretary Golam Rabbani claimed that the BCL leaders went to rescue Nur from the agitated Mancho activists.
