Feb 2 violence at RU: Probe bodies yet to submit report


RU Correspondent :
The probe body formed to investigate into the join-attack by police and Chhattra League on agitating students at Rajshahi University (RU) campus on February 2 is yet to submit its report though four months have already passed after the incident.
However, the cases filed against general students following the incident have not been withdrawn.
Earlier, on February,2, Police and BCL jointly swooped on agitating students who were protesting fees hike and evening shift masters’ courses and fired at will on the campus that left over 100 injured including 20 bullet-hit.
In the evening of the day, the university authorities, through an emergency syndicate meeting, formed a five-member probe body headed by Prof Khalequzzaman of Zoology department.
One day after the incident, surprisingly the university authorities, police and BCL, each filed two cases making general students accused although the attack was made by police and BCL cadres.
Contacted, head of the probe body Prof Khalequzzaman told that they could not submit report even after four months because students were declined to meet with probe body as they were afraid. Now they had started to express their view.
