Pro-BNP lawyers to observe ‘Democracy Killing Day’

Staff Reporter :
Jatiyatabadi Ainjibi Forum, a platform of pro-BNP lawyers, will observe ‘Democracy Killing Day’ today all the bars of the country.
Convener of the Jatiyatabadi Ainjibi Forum Advocate Khandker Mahbub Hossain on Saturday urged the lawyers to observe the day.
The central committee of the forum will hold a rally with black flags at 12.00 pm on the Supreme Court premises as part of the program declared by BNP demanding the resignation of the government.
The BNP-led coalition Jatiya Oikya Front took part in the national election on December 30, 2018. BNP bagged six seats while Gono Forum two in the election.
In a recent press conference, BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said, the BNP will hold protest rallies around the country, including Dhaka on December 30.
Party leaders and activists will wear black badges, while black flags will be hoisted at the party’s unit offices all over the country and the central office, he said.
The coalition turned down the 2018 election results bringing various allegations of irregularities, like ‘massive vote robbery and nighttime ballot stuffing’.