Private jute mills face set back

Staff Reporter :
Owners of private jute mills have expressed deep concern fearing that factories might be shut down due to shortage of raw jute.
“Minimum five lakh bells of jute would be short of target this year as the jute production was not up to the mark. It created serious threat to private jute mills. Most of those factories might be shutdown by February next year,” said A Barik Khan, Secretary General of Bangladesh Jute Mills Association, private jute mills owners’ organisation.
He said, hail storm, cyclone Amphan, flood and labour shortage and Corona outbreak were the reasons of unsatisfactory output.
“Every year the farmers used to produce at least 75 lakh bells of jute. But there had been produced 50 to 55 lakh bells this year. It may not sufficient to run jute mills across the country round the year,” A Barik Khan said.
He said, about 60 lakh bells of raw jute are needed to run our mills round the year. The jute mills will suffer their production due to shortages of raw jute within February next year.
On June 28 this year, the government has shut down country’s 25 public jute mills showing huge losses year after year.
In these circumstances, Bangladesh Jute Mills Association (BJMA) and Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association (BJSA) have organised a joint press conference in a city hotel on Wednesday urging the government to stop raw jute exporting.
They suggested the government to impose 250 US Dollar as tariff on exporting per metric tonne raw jute.
The leaders of both the associations requested the government to stop exporting of uncut Bangla Tosha Rejection (BTR) and Bangla White Rejection (BWR) species of jutes.
Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman Patwary, Chairman of BJMA and Mohammad Zahid Mia, Chairman of BJSA read out their written speeches in the press conference.
Bangladesh earns Tk 5,200 crore exporting 6.70 lakh metric tones of jute goods annually.
The jute mills annually have produced 7.40 lakh metric tones of jute goods.
The leaders of the both organizations claimed that about two lakh workers are employed in this private sector for long directly.
Besides, about four crore workers are involved indirectly with this private sector.
In this view, the business leaders requested the government to stop exporting raw jute to save the private sectors jute mills.