Prime Bank organizes AML, CFT training

Business Desk :
Prime Bank Limited recently arranged a day-long virtual training on ‘Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT)’. An organization nurturing good corporate governance, Prime Bank regularly organizes AML and CFT Training in light with policy regulations of Bangladesh Bank. Through this training, the bank take initiative to aware employees in fighting money laundering and financial terrorism, said a press release.
AML and CFT have emerged a critically important risk issue in global financial arena. Regular training helps the employees in capacity development and professional career as they become well informed and better equipped to tackle such risk issues. Expertise in AML and CFT also help them assist the central bank and law enforcing agencies in investigation of financial crime and its awareness.
Rahel Ahmed, Managing Director and CEO of the bank, inaugurated the virtual training workshop. Chowdhury MAQ Sarwar, Independent Consultant, conducted the training. Md. Touhidul Alam Khan, Deputy Managing Director and CAMLCO; Md. Iqbal Hossain, DCAMLCO and Head of the Division; and Ziaur Rahman, Head of HR of the bank; were also present in the workshop.