Primary teachers’ test on Apr 18


Tests to recruit assistant teachers for primary schools in 17 districts will take place on Apr 18, the Primary and Mass Education Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. The ministry on Mar 19 postponed the test scheduled for Mar 28. Earlier, it announced Mar 14 for holding the test. On Dec 8 last year, the ministry cancelled the test due to leakage of question papers. The districts where written tests will be held again are Dhaka, Narayanganj, Mymensingh, Netrokona, Sherpur Rajshahi, Lalmonirhat, Cox’s Bazaar, Satkhira, Pabna, Jhenaidah, Rajbari, Meherpur, Khulna, Sunamganj, Moulavibazaar and Habiganj. 968,127 aspirants across the country took the first written test held on Nov 8, which was subsequently cancelled. The ministry had formed a committee to probe the allegations of question leakage on Nov 12. The decision to conduct the tests again has been taken following the report submitted by that committee. —
