Textbook Distribution Festival begins: Primary, secondary school students of Barisal, Rajshahi get free books in festive mood

FENI: Md Enamul Haque, ADC(General) Feni distributing free text books at the Textbook Distribution Festival as Chief Guest at Feni Aliaya(Kamil) Madrasa premises yesterday. Principal of the Madarasa Md Mahmudul Hasan presided over the programme.
FENI: Md Enamul Haque, ADC(General) Feni distributing free text books at the Textbook Distribution Festival as Chief Guest at Feni Aliaya(Kamil) Madrasa premises yesterday. Principal of the Madarasa Md Mahmudul Hasan presided over the programme.

Barisal Correspondent :About 18 lakh students of the primary and secondary level educational institutions Barisal division from Thursday January 1, 2015 started getting 1.8 core copies of free text books under a festive mood. However National Curriculum Textbook Board (NCTB) failed to supply some of the books as those remained out of stock or yet to be completed printing, binding and sending, alleged students and teachers sources.Acknowledging the facts Mahbub Elahi, deputy director primary education of Barisal division ensured that almost all students will get the short-items within next week.Office of the deputy director primary education Barisal sources said demand for primary level text books were 65,04,000 copies of books and the divisional directorate office receiving more than 64,00,000 copies already distributed those and rest were on the way, but delayed due to hartal.Dr. Mustafizur Rahman, divisional deputy director, secondary and higher secondary education directorate office of Barisal, said demands for secondary and madrasa level books were 1,14,96,000 including 76,87,654 for secondary schools and 38,08,346 formadrasa students in the division and more than 90 percent books reached at the concerned institutions.Md. Gaus, divisional commissioner along with Dr. Mustafizur Rahman, divisional deputy director DSHSE Barisal office, inaugurated divisional level free book distribution festival 2015 at Binapani model primary school and Govt. Girls High school auditorium Thursday morning. BSS from Rajshahi adds: Primary and secondary students have started getting new books in festive mood in the city and nine upazilas of the district like other parts of the country today, the first day of the New Year 2015. According to the sources concerned, book distribution ceremony has been arranged in each of the schools to handover books among the students.District and upazila level officials’ concerned, public representative and local elites were present at all their respective ceremonies to inspire the students.In Rajshahi city, divisional, metropolitan and district level high officials launched the book distribution activities formally at a function held at PTI Primary School.
