Persisting cold spell: Prices of essentials up in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Due to the prevailing of cold spell accompanied with fogy weather and cloudy sky for more than one week supply of almost all the essential commodities, particularly potato and onion has fallen short and consequently their prices have shot up in the markets of Bagerhat district town and its all the nine upazilas, causing much sufferings to the people in general and poor in particularly to middle class.
Price of newly harvested potato has shot up Tk.5.00 by per kg. It is now being sold here at Tk.25.00 per kg as against of Tk.20.00 previously. Price of onion, a must item for Bengali kitchen has shot up Tk.5.00 to Tk.10.00 by per kg. Newly harvested local onion is selling here at Tk.80.00 per kg instead of Tk.70.00 while imported Indian onion is selling here at Tk.65.00 per kg as against of Tk.60.00 previously.  
Prices all the winter vegetables also registered high. Cauliflower, a popular winter vegetable is now being sold here at Tk.40.00 to Tk.50.00 per kg according to qualities as against of Tk.30.00 to Tk.35.00 only 2 days ago. Cabbage is sold at Tk.30.00 in lieu of Tk.20.00, carrot is selling at Tk.50.00 per kg as against of Tk.40.00, bean is selling at Tk.40.00 instead of Tk.30.00, egg plant is selling at Tk.50.00 per kg as against of Tk.30.00, arum is selling at Tk.55.00 per kg in lieu of Tk.45.00, green chili at Tk.100.00 per kg instead of Tk.80.00, pumpkin at Tk.30.00 to Tk.50.00 per piece according to sizes as against Tk.25.00 to Tk.40.00. When contacted a wholesale dealer of vegetables of the local market disclosed, vegetables are mainly brought here from the North Bengal. But due to the prevailing of severe cold and fogy atmosphere vegetables are cannot be procured from there as per our requirements. Moreover, due to the foul weather carrying cost is increased to a great extent. For all those reasons prices of all winter vegetables increased.
The supply of fish has also fallen short and consequently, their price increased 40 t0 60 percent. Magur and Sing are now being sold here at Tk.700.00 to Tk.1, 000.00 per kg according to the sizes. Price of local and sea fish like Koral locally known as Patari, hilsa, Tengra, Bhol, Tero Bhangal, Tafassi, Ruhit, Katla etc. increased. Patari, a popular fish in the district is now being sold in the local market at Tk.400.00 to Tk 1, 000.00 per kg according sizes. Hilsa available in the local markets is below standard size. It is now being sold here at Tk.400.00 to Tk.800. per kg according to sizes. Supply of poultry birds in the local market has also fallen short due to the inclement weather. As a result, their price increased. The broiler white chicken is selling here at Tk 130.00 per kg as against of Tk.110.00 while the mother Chicken is selling at Tk.180.00 or more as against of Tk.160.00. red mother chicken is selling at Tk.200.00 or more per kg instead of Tk.190.00.
Development Fair ends
A 3-day ‘Development Fair-218’ that was inaugurated by Minister for Fisheries and Livestock Affairs Narayan Chandra Chanda, MP in Bagerhat Zila Parishad auditorium premises at local Shaltala on Thursday in order to focus all information about the development activities of the present Government was concluded on Saturday through distributing prizes among the best stalls installed in the fair in function held there with Tapan Kumar Biswas, DC, Bagerhat in the chair. The prizes were distributed by Dr. Mozammel Hossain, MP of Bagerhat Constituency-4 and the President of Parliamentary Permanent Committee of the Ministry of Social welfare affairs distributed prizes as the chief guest.

While the chief guest was addressing the closing ceremony told, Bangladesh led by Shaikh Hasina has now became role model for the development in the world.
