Prices of essentials soaring

Staff Reporter :
The price of salt, garlic, edible oil and egg increased, while that of broiler chicken, fishes and vegetables remained stable at the weekend on Friday.
The price of salt increased by Tk two to five per kilo, selling at Tk 25-40 at the moment. The refined salt sells at Tk 38-40, while coarse salt at Tk 25-27 per kg.
Rafiq Ahmed, who trades at Moulvibazar in Dhaka, said, loose salt’s price increased at the Moulvibazar wholesale market by Tk 45-50 per maund (37.32 kg) within a week.
Md Faruqe, Secretary of Bangladesh Labon Mill Malik Samity (BLMMS), an association of salt millers, told The New Nation that price of crude salt increased to Tk 1,300-1,400 a sack (75 kg) recently from Tk 600 -700 in January.
He said that the millers submitted their proposal to the Bangladesh Tariff Commission (BTC) on raising of price issue. ACI, Molla and Pubali, the three big refiners in the country, submitted proposal to the BTC to increase the retail price of refined salt to Tk 40-45 a kg from Tk 33-35, BTC sources said.
BTC Member Abdul Quaiyum said that they had informed the commerce ministry about the proposal of the private millers.
He, however, said that the commission did not recommend the ministry on raising price.
However, the commerce ministry permitted private millers to import 0.15 million tonnes of crude salt to meet the local demand.
According to the Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC), the country needs 1.66 million tonnes of salt during the current financial year against the production of 1.55 million tonnes.  
President of BLMMS Md Abdul Monaf said the government should allow at least 0.3 million tonnes of import before beginning of the
salt collection season (October) to keep the price of the commodity cheaper. Salt import is conditional in Bangladesh to safeguard the local salt farmers. Abdul Monaf said the price of salt might increase further during the Eid-ul-Azha, as the tanners will need 0.12 to 0.15 million tonnes of salt to process hides.
Secretary of Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan told that the National Salt Committee would have to take necessary steps to minimise the price of salt.
Of vegetables, bean was selling at Tk 70 to 80 per kg, tomato at Tk 75 to 90, brnjal at Tk 50 to 60, cucumber at Tk 70, french at Tk 60, bitter gourd at Tk 40 to 50, radish at Tk 40, potato at Tk 25, eddo at Tk 40 to 45 per kg, clocacia stem (kochu loti) at Tk 40 to 45 per kg, pumpkin (medium size) at Tk 40 to 60 per piece, bottle gourd at Tk 40 to 60, ash gourd at Tk 30 to 40 per piece, cabbage at Tk 30 cauliflower at 25 to 30 per piece, coriander leaves at Tk 400 per kg, green chilli at 60 to 80 kg, capsicum (red) at Tk 350 kg and capsicum (green) at Tk 300 to 320 per
Cultivated Cat fish (Shing) was selling at Tk 400- 550 per kg, barbel at Tk 450 to 600, butter fish at Tk 250 to 300, lobster at Tk 450 to 600 kg, shrimp (River) at Tk 400-550, Puti at Tk 150 per kg, puti (live) at Tk 250 kg, cultivated climbing fish at Tk 130 to 180 per kg and koi (river) at Tk 400, Fali Chanda (Rupchada) at Tk 1050 kg, walking fish (Shoal) at Tk 300 kg, Lata (Taki) fish at Tk 180 to 220 and Eel at Tk 300 to 600 kg, sheat (boal) at Tk 300 to 550 kg, Ek-thota (Kaitta fish) at Tk 350 to Tk 400, Baila at Tk 450 to 600 kg, coral fish at Tk 550 kg, river Pangas at Tk 350 kg, cultivated Pangas at Tk 130 kg, Rajputi at Tk 300 kg, Tilapia at Tk 140 to Tk 200 kg, Ruhit at Tk 250 to Tk 380 kg, medium size carp (katol) at Tk 230 -360 per kg.
Interestingly, Hilsha price decreased slightly last week. Medium size of two pieces Hilsha with weight of 800 gm to 900 gm was selling at Tk 1000 to Tk 1200 while two big size at a higher price.
Sugar (white) was sold at Tk 70 to 76 per kg while sugar brown at Tk 58 to 65, local varieties of onion at Tk 45-48, while imported verities at Tk 38-42 per kg, ginger at Tk 70-100 per kg, molasses at Tk 70-120 and flattened rice at Tk 70-90, the red lentil at Tk 140 per kg, the imported lentil at Tk 155 kg mash at 130 per kg, onion at Tk 45-48 per kg.
Broiler chicken was selling at Tk 130-135 per kg on Friday. Local folk was sold (weight 700gm) at Tk 300-350 per piece. Pakistani chicken was selling at Tk 150 to Tk 200 per piece (700gm), the beef was sold at Tk 450-470, buffalo meat at Tk 420 and red meat (khashi) at Tk 600-700 per kg. Pigeon (per pair) was selling at Tk 180-250 and four koil birds at Tk 200 only on Friday.
Egg (farm) was selling at Tk 35 per hali (four pieces), egg (local) at Tk 60 and egg (duck) at Tk 45 to Tk 48. Swarna, a coarse variety of rice, was sold at Tk 32-34 on Friday from Tk 30-32 a week ago, while prices of Brridhan-28 rose to Tk 37-42 from Tk 35-38, Miniket at Tk 46-54 per kg from Tk 42-52 and Najirshail Tk 48-57 from Tk 46-55 per kg in the city retails.
Soybean (loose) was sold at Tk 85-86 a litre, which was Tk 80-82 a week ago. Super palm oil price increased to Tk 74-76 a litre last week from Tk 70-72 earlier, while normal palm prices swelled to Tk 71-72 from Tk 67-Tk 68 a litre during the period.