Price of sugar, potato, green chilli up

Anisul Islam Noor :
The price of sugar, potato, green chilli and some of the vegetables increased in the city’s kitchen markets on Friday to dismay of consumers.
Sugar price has increased by Tk3 to Tk8 per kg was selling at Tk 48 to Tk 54.
Potato price increased by Tk2 to Tk3 per kg and was selling at Tk20 to Tk25 on Friday. The price of other vegetables, however, remained stable. Aubergine was selling at Tk 40 to Tk 45, bitter gourd at Tk 30, bean at Tk 25, cucumber at Tk 25 to 30, okra at Tk 30 to 40, papaya at Tk 20, carrot at Tk 30, tomato at Tk 40 to 50, brinjal at Tk 25 to 30, snake gourd at Tk40, french at Tk 50, horse raddish at 50 to 60, radish at Tk 30, turnip at Tk25, pea at 40 to 50, cauliflower at Tk40 to 50 per piece, cabbage atTk40, parbal at Tk 30 to 35, teasel gourd at Tk 60, pumpkin medium size at Tk 50 to 60, gourd at Tk30 to 40, ash gourd at Tk25 to 30 based on size and coriander leaves at Tk 250 per kg, green chilli at Tk80, capsicum (red) at Tk450 kg and capsicum (green) at Tk200 to 250.
Imported garlic was selling at Tk 90 and local product Tk 50. Imported ginger was selling at Tk 260 and local one at Tk200 in the city markets.
In most of the city’s kitchen markets, local onion was selling at Tk 35 a kg, while imported onion (India) at Tk 28 per kg and lentil at Tk 110 per kg.
A 5-kg Rupchanda brand canned soybean oil was selling at Tk 530, Teer brand