Preventive measures to check kidney ailment underscored

BSS, Dhaka :
As kidney disease is increasing at an alarming rate due to poor dietary practices and lack of awareness, health experts stressed the need for taking preventive measures to check kidney failure as nephritic, diabetics and high blood pressure cause 80 percent kidney disorders.
If early preventive measures including controlling diabetics, high blood pressures, drinking adequate water and having healthy diets are ensured, 60 percent kidney ailment can be easily curbed, they told an open discussion titled “Kidney disease prevention and living and deceased kidney donation” on Thursday.
Save Life Foundation and Gift Life Foundation jointly organized the discussion at the Shawkat Osman Memorial auditorium of Central Public Library.
Chief Advisor of Save Life Foundation and Gift Life Foundation National Prof MR Khan, Managing Trustee of Mohan Foundation Dr Sunil Shroff, President of Diabetics Association of Bangladesh Prof AK Azad, President of Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society Prof Dr MA Samad, Skin Specialist Prof Kabir Chowdhury, Prof Shamim Ahmed and Chairman of Save Life Foundation and President of Gift Live Foundation Dr Sohely Ahmed Sweety, among others, addressed the open discussion.
In an effort to avoid kidney ailment, which is increasing sharply in Bangladesh, Prof MR Khan stressed the need for launching massive campaign among the people to create awareness about the disease.
He urged the physicians to serve the people with highest professional dedication as the main essence of profession lies on providing services.
Narrating different perspective on kidney treatment in India, Dr Sunil Shroff said, “Treatment cost of the decease is costly and complex … We all should work together to prevent the disease.” People need to be motivated to extend their helping hands for ensuring treatment of kidney patients in Both Bangladesh and India, he added.
Prof Samad said kidney ailment is a global concern as the disease is increasing at an alarming rate in almost all countries because of unhealthy lifestyle and poor dietary practices. As treatment cost of the disease is highly expensive, he said, early preventive measures should be taken to avoid kidney failure. Prof Shamim said, “We should not intake medicines without doctor’s prescription …. As frequent taking of medicines without doctor’s consultation will increase chances of kidney disease.”
There are inter-linkage among all organs of body, Prof Firoz said adding if one organ is damaged, it may hamper function of other organs of body. “If skin of body starts getting dry, we have to understand that kidney is not functioning properly. So, it needs to be treated to avoid kidney failure,” he added. Dr Sohely Ahmed Sweety said, “In Bangladesh, nearly two crore out of 16 crore people are suffering from kidney disease and the figure indicates a sharp rise of the disease.”
She said kidney ailment is a silent killer disease as symptoms of the disease become visible when 50 percent kidneys are damaged.