Preventive measures to check avian influenza stressed


Speakers at a participatory discussion in Rajshahi underscored the need for taking preventive measures against infection of avian influenza to protect the region’s poultry farms from ruination.
A large number of people at every nook and corner of the region are directly engaged in poultry farming, making significant contribution to the economic development of Bangladesh.
The discussants urged all government and non-government organisations concerned as well as poultry farmers to work together to protect this potential sector from any adverse impact.
Besides, focus should be given on creating awareness among the grassroots people side by side with intensifying inter-departmental coordination to check avian influenza.
Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) organised the meeting at its conference
hall with all officials and others concerned like poultry farmers and
stakeholders. The meeting discussed various ways and means on how to prevent
the influenza collectively. Mayor-in-Charge of RCC Nizam-Ul Azim presided
over the meeting.
RCC Chief Executive Officer Syeda Zebinnissa Sultana, Chief Health Officer
Dr AFM Anzuman Ara Begum, Assistant Director of Department of Animal
Resources Kolyan Kumar Fouzder, District Livestock Officer Nizam Uddin,
Deputy Director of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Dr Gazi Saiful Alam and
Medical Officer Dr Rozy Ara Khatun spoke on the occasion.
The meeting was informed that there are more than 10,000 poultry farms in
the 16 districts of Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions. Of them, 590 poultry
farms including 177 for lyre and 422 for broiler poultry are located in nine
upazilas of Rajshahi district.
The officials claimed they have beefed up surveillance and taken up several
preventive measures to protect poultry and other birds from the virus of
avian influenza.
Mayor Azim said steps should be taken to impart motivational training to
the poultry farmers, the officers and employees concerned of the livestock
department and other law enforcers to check any kind of adverse impact in
this sector.
Owners of the poultry hatcheries should also be brought under the close
supervision and monitoring network of the Department of Livestock.
He also suggested involvement of religious leaders’ in creating mass
awareness, enforcement of bio-security in laboratory for avian influenza
test, ensuring availability of one-day chicks at reasonable price at home and
raising inter-departmental coordination.
