Prevent dengue menace before it takes alarming turn


With the onset of monsoon breeding conditions for Aedes mosquito larvae have been created by rains. The month of June has so far accounted for 59.5 per cent of the dengue cases recorded this year. Aedes mosquitoes are the carriers of the dengue and Chikungunya viruses. If authorities concerned and the people of the country do not take the necessary steps to destroy the breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes, there is a danger that dengue cases may increase fast. Dengue may serve a fatal blow as the country’s health sector that has already been exhausted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
According to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), 247 patients have so far been infected with the dengue virus since January. Of the total people infected this year, 147 were in the first 23 days of June — or 59.5 per cent. Entomologists said the dengue situation is manageable so far, but if dengue patients increase four to five times in this month compared to the number in May (43), it will signal a sharp rise in infections. Doctors will find it difficult to tackle if dengue takes an epidemic form alongside the Covid-19 pandemic.
Apart from initiatives from the city corporations and the government, every citizen will have to come forward to destroy all breeding grounds of the Aedes mosquitoes. City corporations will also have to inform the people about the Aedes mosquitoes and encourage them to destroy all breeding places.
Authorities will have to take necessary steps to raise awareness that Aedes breeds in clean water, and so people will have to clear water from all kinds of containers once a week. The government and the city corporations should pay full attention to destroying larvae of Aedes mosquitoes. Our healthcare sector is so poorly equipped that it finds it tough to confront the Covid-19 situation. A new health emergency will make the health sector more fragile. So, prevention is better than cure should be the motto. We have to invest more to make people aware to prevent the dengue menace at all costs.
