President Xi to visit US

AP, Beijing :
A top Chinese diplomat has said President Xi Jinping plans to make his first state visit to the US later this year, Chinese state media reported on Monday.
The official China Daily newspaper quoted China’s ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai as saying Chinese and US officials are discussing the visit. Cui told Chinese reporters on Sunday that no date had been determined yet.
US national security advisor Susan Rice said on Friday that the US has invited both Xi and Japanese President Shinzo Abe for state visits.
Xi last met with US President Barack Obama in November after an Asian-Pacific economic cooperation meeting in Beijing. The two also met in Rancho Mirage, California, during a more informal visit to the US in June 2013.
The US and China have been working together on a range of high-profile issues, including pledging in November to cut back on their emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for climate change. The world’s biggest economies have also clashed diplomatically on several fronts such as accusations over cyber-espionage and Chinese actions asserting its territorial claims in the East and South China seas.