President to address today maiden JS session of 2021


President Abdul Hamid will address the 11th session of the 11th Jatiya Sangsad (parliament) on Monday.
“President Abdul Hamid will address the today’s parliament session at 4:30pm,” his Press Secretary Joynal Abedin told UNB.
This will be the maiden session of 2021 and in line with the parliamentary practice, the President addresses the first parliamentary sitting every year.
Hamid will convene the first parliament session of 2021 exercising the power bestowed upon him as per the Article 72 (1) of the Constitution. The President’s speech has already been approved by the Cabinet.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the session will be short again. The upcoming session will also be held in compliance with all the health rules due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meanwhile, the duration of the first session of the year is usually longer. Subsequently, a long discussion is usually held on the ‘Thanksgiving Motion on President’s Address’.
The last session, a special one marking the birth centenary celebration of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was prorogued on November 18.
The session was held in a limited scale amidst the pandemic.
