President should not have asked the judges — Barrister Mainul

Staff Reporter :
At a talk-show called ‘Muktabak’ of News-24 TV on Monday night Barrister Mainul Hosein said he could not believe that the judges of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court went to meet the Chief Justice to tell him about the allegations against him as desired by the President. He vehemently refused to accept the story about the judges going to the Chief Justice SK Sinha and asked his reaction to the allegations against him, it being not acceptable.
Barrister Hosein said after the statement of the Acting Chief Justice Mr Abdul Wahhab Miah in the Full Court of the Supreme Court, Monday there is no scope for me not believing the story that the five judges of the Appellate Division went to the Chief Justice as desired by the President to ask him what he had to say about the allegations and as they found no satisfactory response they let him know that they would not sit with him in court. The President should have sent the matter to the Supreme Judicial Council, he added.
In answering to a question from one Mr Mahmud Hossain from New York, if our judges had become trade union leaders not to sit with the Chief Justice in the court, Barrister Mainul said it is not done.
The question most seriously raised by Barrister Hosein was why Justice Sinha was granted leave to go abroad when as many as eleven serious allegations were made against him by President Abdul Hamid although the allegations were made public after the Chief Justice had left the country. Nothing was known about all these crimes before the judgement denying the Parliament the power of impeaching the judges of the apex court. He could not have committed all those crimes after the judgement.
Barrister Hosein noted painfully that values of decency, principle and honesty are fast disappearing from our public life aggravating the national crisis. He warned against the consequences of playing politics with the sanctity of the judiciary and its independence. Both about free election and impeaching the judges, the government should learn from the examples in India.
The other participant in the talk-show was former Awami League Chief Whip Vice-Principal Abdus Shahid who justified all the actions and denied the existence of the Supreme Judicial Council. He found many of the observations made by Justice Sinha in the judgement as highly objectionable. He praised profusely the achievements of Awami League and Father of the Nation Bangabandhu.
The talk-show was moderated by journalist Rahul Raha.
