President seeks Uruguayan investment in energy, ICT sectors


President M Abdul Hamid has urged his Uruguayan counterpart Luis Lacalle Pou to invest in Bangladesh’s different potentials sectors including energy, ICT and infrastructure as they held bilateral talks at the Presidential Palace in Montevideo on Monday noon (UYT).
The President, during the meeting, said Bangladesh in the meantime set up 100 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) with the necessary opportunities for investment, where the foreign investors can invest, President Press Secretary Joynal Abedin said on Tuesday.
Congratulating the new President of Uruguay, a South American country known for its verdant interior and beach-lined coast, Abdul Hamid said Bangladesh always gives priority to develop the bilateral as well as multilateral ties among all countries across the world.
During the discussion on various bilateral issues between the two countries, the President gave a salient feature of socio-economic development of Bangladesh, which has meantime attained a developing country status.
He went on saying that Bangladesh produces world-class readymade garment (RMG), medicine and ceramic also.
Stressing on the visit-exchange between parliament members or public representatives and mass people of Bangladesh and Uruguay to utilize the potentials of the two countries, President Hamid called upon the Uruguay government to make the VISA easier for the diplomatic and official passport holders.
“Bangladesh has huge trained manpower who can play a very positive role in the development of Uruguay,” he added, inviting his Uruguayan counterpart to visit Bangladesh at a suitable time.
President Luis Pou expressed his gratitude to his Bangladeshi counterpart Hamid for joining his Presidential Command Transfer Ceremony and also expressed his positive attitude to invest in Bangladesh in days to come.
On Rohingya issue, Luis Pou reiterated his necessary supports in coming days and hoped that relations between Montevideo and Dhaka in different fields would be expanded in future.
