President seeks Pope’s help to repatriate Rohingyas

UNB, Dhaka :
President Abdul Hamid on Thursday sought Pope Francis’ help in sending back the displaced Rohnigyas to their homeland and keeping up the pressure on Myanmar to resolve the protracted crisis.
The President came up with the call as Pope Francis, the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, held a private talk with him after a reception hosted by the President in the evening.
“During the meeting, the President categorically sought Pope’s active role so that different countries and

the international community put pressure on the Myanmar government to settle the issue,” President’s Press Secretary Joynal Abedin quoted the president as telling the meeting. Thanking Pope’s stance on the Rohingya issue, the President hoped that Pope Francis will play a very positive role to ensure their (Rohingyas) safe and dignified return to their ancestral land.
He recalled the heartfelt support of the Vatican government during the 1971 Liberation War and said the relations between Bangladesh and Vatican City strengthened gradually.
During another meeting with Pope Francis at Bangabhaban in the evening, President Hamid said the very commendable position of Pope Francis has taken in favour of the distressed Rohingyas and his passionate voice against such brutality, raises hope for resolving the crisis.
“Your closeness to them, your call for helping them and ensure their full rights provide moral responsibility to the international community to act with promptness and sincerity,” the President said.
