President, PM urge all to plant more fruit trees

BSS, Dhaka :
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday called upon all to plant more fruit trees across the country to meet the demand of food and nutrition and attain economic self-reliance.
They made the call in separate messages on the occasion of ‘Fruit Tree Planting Fortnight’ from June 16 to 30 and ‘National Fruit Fair’ from June 16 to 18 .
They wished success of all programmes marking the occasions and hoped that those would create awareness among the people.
In his message, President Abdul Hamid said fruit is the best source of different types of vitamins and minerals and there is no alternative to fruits to meet demand of nutrients in human body.
“The soil and climate of our country are very suitable for the cultivation of fruits,” he said and added that fruits of different varieties and tastes, including mango, blackberry, jackfruit, litchi, banana, papaya, pineapple, lemon, water melon and coconut grow in this country.
Referring to unplanned use of pesticides and preservatives in local fruits, the President urged all to be careful about this and refrain from doing anything harmful for public health.
It is possible to generate huge employment opportunities along with increasing production and maintaining environmental balance by expanding cultivation of unconventional local fruits in a planned way, he said.
The President hoped that the country would attain self-reliance in fruit production.
In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the importance of fruits and fruit trees is immense to meet demand of food and nutrients, boost resistance against diseases, flourish merit, alleviate poverty, face natural calamities and maintain environmental balance.
The soil and climate of Bangladesh are suitable for fruit cultivation, she said adding that the country can earn foreign exchanges after meeting the internal demand by expanding cultivation of fruits.
She urged all to plant fruit trees at the yard of homestead and on roadsides in rural areas and on rooftops in urban areas to grow adequate fruits all the year round.
The Prime Minister also urged all to come forward to protect country’s traditional fruits and increase cultivation of newer varieties.