President, PM recall contribution of Sher-e-Bangla


President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday paid glowing tributes to Sher-e-Bangla Abul Kashem Fazlul Huq on his 55th death anniversary.
In separate messages, they recalled the struggle of Sher-e-Bangla for economic freedom of the peasants and toiling people of this country and prayed for eternal peace of his departed soul.
In his message, President Abdul Hamid said Sher-e-Bangla was an extraordinary wise political leader.
“He was extraordinary meritorious and an orator,” he said, adding that the nation remembers with profound respect the contribution of Sher-e-Bangla in socio-economic development of the farmers and toiling masses of this country.
The President recalled different steps taken by Sher-e-Bangla, including the formation of the Debt Settlement Board, for the welfare of the repressed and exploited farmers and the toiling masses.
The extraordinary personality and political wisdom and farsightedness of Sher-e-Bangla would remain as a model to be followed by the next generations, he said.
In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Sher-e-Bangla had struggled throughout his life for economic emancipation of the peasants of this country.
She recalled that it was because of him that the Bengali peasants were freed from feudal exploitation.
“It was the movement led by him that culminated in the Land Tenancy Act,” she said.
Sheikh Hasina praised Sher-e-Bangla’s love for the poor and the underprivileged and hoped it would inspire people of this country.
