President, PM for preservation of environment to attain SDGs


President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday emphasized on ensuring the preservation of environment to make the development sustainable and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
They said this in separate messages on the occasion of the World Environment Day-2019 to be observed in the country today.
They said this year’s theme of the day – ‘Air Pollution’- is time-befitting.
In his message, President Hamid said the tie between human beings and nature is inseparable.
But the environment is losing its balance due to the pressure of increased population across the world, rapid urbanization and pollution of soil, water and air, he added.
The rate of air pollution in the country is increasing day by day, the President said, adding, “Ensuring the balance of environment is a must to build a prosperous and healthy nation”.
Referring to the government’s different initiatives to control air pollution, he said the government has enacted the ‘Brick Manufacturing and Brick Kiln Establishment (Control) (Amendment) Act, 2019 as brick field is one of the sources of air pollution.
He called upon all to ensure preservation of environment at all levels to make the country’s development sustainable.
In her message, Prime Minister Hasina said, “Nature and environment are very important in our daily life. But environment is being polluted due to imprudent activities of human beings. And the ecosystem is also losing its balance”.
Noting that air pollution is increasing in Bangladesh like in many other developing countries, the premier said, according to the United Nations (UN), about 70 lakh people die every year across the world due to air pollution. Of them, 40 lakh are from Asia Pacific Region, she added.
Referring to different steps for safeguarding environment and nature, the prime minister said the draft of the Clean Air Act is awaiting approval.
Attaching highest priority to the preservation of nature and environment, Sheikh Hasina said, “Our government is implementing various programmes to attain the SDGs declared by the UN. Along with economic development of the country, we have taken strong measures for environmental and social development”.
Special attention has been given so that the existing laws and rules can be maintained in setting up new economic zones and industries, she said, adding that installing waste treatment plant has been made compulsory.
The President and the Prime Minister have wished all programmes of the day a success.
The World Environment Day is the UN’s most important day observed on June 5 every year to encourage worldwide awareness and action for the protection of environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.
But the government is going to observe the day today this year as June 5 was Eid-ul-Fitr day, the greatest religious festivals of the Muslim Ummah.
