President for surveillance to protect fisheries sector

President Abdul Hamid releasing fish fries in a pond on Bangabhaban premises on Monday marking the National Fisheries Week-2017. Press Wing, Bangabhaban photo
President Abdul Hamid releasing fish fries in a pond on Bangabhaban premises on Monday marking the National Fisheries Week-2017. Press Wing, Bangabhaban photo

President M Abdul Hamid on Monday asked the authorities concerned, particularly the fisheries and livestock ministry, to take pragmatic steps to cultivate and preserve different varieties of local fish and also ensure strict surveillance to prevent any harm to the fisheries sector.
“Nowadays it is often found in newspapers that harmful chemicals are used in the production of fish feed. Strict surveillance must be ensured so that none can harm this huge potential sector for getting more profit,” he said at a function at Darbar Hall of Bangabhaban here marking the ‘National Fisheries Week-2017.’
President Hamid also underscored the need for joint efforts of non-government organizations, fishermen, fish producers, traders and exporters along with the government to boost fish production and ensure proper management of water bodies.
“Production of local fishes has decreased to a large extent and some varieties of local fishes are facing extinction. So, we must take steps to encourage the people to cultivate and preserve different varieties of local fish for maintaining biodiversity,” he said.
The President suggested proper implementation of different laws related to the fish production and preservation and also asked the authorities concerned to make the people, especially the fish producers and traders, aware of these laws.
“It’s not the responsibility of the government alone to increase fish production and to maintain proper management of vast aquatic resources,” Hamid added.
Referring to the role of fisheries sector in ensuring food security, economic development, fulfilling the demand of protein and earning foreign currencies, the President said about 11 percent population of Bangladesh depend on this sector for their living.
Abdul Hamid also recalled the farsighted initiatives of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for increasing fish production of local species as he started releasing fish fries first at Ganabhaban Lake in 1973.
“Bangladesh achieved the fourth position in fish production in freshwater in 2016,” the President mentioned, thanking all concerned including fish producers, scientists and researchers in the sector.
Later, the President released fish fries in Danadighi Pond of Bangabhaban.
Fisheries and Livestock Minister Muhammad Sayedul Hoque, MP, State Minister for Fisheries and Livestock Narayan Chandra Chanda, MP, Secretary M Maksudul Hasan Khan and Director General of Fisheries Department Syed Arif Azad, among others, were present on the occasion.
