President for relentless efforts to build ‘Sonar Bangla’



President Md Abdul Hamid called upon the countrymen to make relentless efforts to build a ‘Sonar Bangla’ as dreamt by Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
The President said this on Sunday Marking the Homecoming Day of Bangabandhu, he said on historic January 10 in 1972, the Father of the Nation had returned to independent and sovereign Bangladesh after nine months and 14 days of captivity in Pakistan jail.
Paying profound homage to Bangabandhu, the President said: “Though we achieved ultimate victory on December 16 in 1971 through an armed struggle, the true essence of victory came with the return of the Father of the Nation.”
He said Bangabandhu, a visionary leader, led the nation in every movement including the All Party State Language Movement Council in 1948, Language Movement in 1952, Jukta-Front Election in 1954, movement against Martial Law proclaimed by General Ayub Khan in 1958, Movement against Education Commission in 1962, Six-Point Movement in 1966, Mass Upsurge in 1969 and the General Election in 1970, where Awami League won landslide victory.
Abdul Hamid said though Awami League had won absolute majority in the 1970 general election, the Pakistani rulers were reluctant to hand over power and therefore, the freedom-loving people of the country started non-cooperation movement under the leadership of Bangabandhu.
On March 7, 1971 Bangabandhu delivered a historic speech at Race Course Maidan which was the indirect declaration of independence, he said.
