President for launching social revolution against drug abuse


Putting emphasis on lunching a silent-social revolution against the drug abuse, President M Abdul Hamid asked the students on Monday to launch a countrywide motivational campaign against abusive use of narcotics as he addressed the first convocation of Cumilla University (CoU) in Cumilla.
“Students will have to launch a silent social revolution against drug abuse . . . Do motivational campaign against the narcotics to bring change to the people, otherwise the country will get destroyed,” he said. Mentioning the name of over a dozen of contraband drug items, including heroin and yaba tablets, the President said Cumilla is one of the trafficking routes of contraband drugs in the country, adding, “You must remain alert and build strong resistance against those illegal narcotics.” The head of the state categorically called upon the graduates to work jointly so none can use those contraband drugs in the society. Speaking at the convocation ceremony, Abdul Hamid, also the Chancellor of the university, advised new graduates not to think for their own interest only, rather engage themselves for family, social and national welfare. “Always try to uphold the truth and justice as a graduate … Never tarnish the image of the dignity of your degree, personal respect and morality,” he added.
Noting that the university is a scared place for study and earning knowledge for the students, the President said, “It’s not the place of raging or earning money . . . Don’t covet for greediness that destroy life and push parents and family members into trouble.”
President Hamid categorically advised the learners to do welfare for people and not to get frustrated while facing any obstacles. Congratulating the new graduates, Abdul Hamid advised them to remember the contributions of their parents, teachers, society, country and people to making them successful graduates.
Recalling the historic speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Ramgati here “The struggle has yet to end . . . The struggle of this time is to build a Sonar Bangla”, President Hamid hoped that the graduates would engage themselves in nation building upholding the ideology of Bangabandhu, the greatest Bengali of thousand years. He urged the teachers to uphold their dignity in their profession through their works terming them (teachers) as symbol of ideology, principles and also the great architect of building a developed nation. The President also called upon the graduates and university family members to put positive contribution to turn Bangladesh into a developed and progress one by 2041.
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal, MP, delivered his speech as the convocation speaker on the occasion where as many as 2,888 students, including 3,561 graduates, were conferred with degrees. Besides, total of 14 gold medals and 52 dean awards were given to the students for their outstanding academic performance and contributions. Deputy Minister for Education Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury, MP, University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Prof Dr Kazi Shahidullah and CoU Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Emran Kabir Chowdhury attended the convocation, among others.
National leaders, lawmakers, secretaries concerned to the President, vice-chancellors of different University and senior civil and military officials, among others, were present there.
