President for continuation of democracy for sustainable development


BSS, Bhola :
President M Abdul Hamid put emphasis on the continuation of democratic process to ensure and expedite the country’s overall development.
“Nothing but democracy can ensure people’s fundamental rights, rule of law, human rights, thoughts, speech and freedom of expression,” the President said while addressing a public meeting on Fatema Khanam Degree College ground here on Thursday afternoon.
President Hamid said a coordinated effort irrespective of party affiliations is very urgent to continue the democratic process and institutionalize it.
He categorically said there may have political differences among the people, but the hard-earned country is for all. He urged all to contribute from their respective positions to build a beautiful and livable Bangladesh for the next generation.
Terming the freedom struggle a pride, the President called upon all concerned to inform the new and future generation about the real history of country’s struggle for freedom and the Liberation War.
“Let each citizen know the actual history of freedom struggle and the Liberation War . . . They have to know which people had contribution to the 1971 Liberation War,” Abdul Hamid added.
President Hamid stressed spreading the spirit of freedom struggle everywhere and establishing a museum at district and upazila levels in a bid to preserve the memory of the Liberation War.
About inauguration of an independence museum at Bhola Sadar, he said inhabitants of Bhola district can be able know about the contribution of heroes of this region to the 1971 Liberation War through it.
The President said, “We have to pay due respect to the people who brought the hard-earned independence by dint of their fresh blood and all will have to work unitedly to attain the aim and objectives for which they (freedom fighters) fought for.”
Abdul Hamid was very critical of the anti-Liberation War quarter that tried to distort the actual country’s history soon after the brutal assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the fateful 15 August in 1975.
“False doesn’t sleep long . . . Truth always wins the race over falsehood,” the President said, observing that the same thing had happened to Bangladesh.
Referring to country’s tremendous development trend under the incumbent government, he said, “Per capita income has increased, poverty rate has decreased and remittance flow is on the rise gradually.”
