President for bldg young gen with noble qualities


President Abdul Hamid yesterday urged all to build the young generation with a sense of noble qualities so that they can materialize Bangabandhu’s dream of transforming Bangladesh into a “Sonar Bangla” (Golden Bengal).
In a message on the eve of the 95th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day, the President said, “I pay my profound respect to the memory of Bangabandhu.”
Bangabandhu, the greatest Bangalee of all time, was born in Tungipara of Gopalganj district on March 17, 1920, he added.
“On this auspicious day, I also convey my heartfelt greetings and felicitations to the children of Bangladesh as this day is being observed as “National Children’s Day” across the country,” he said.
Abdul Hamid said since his boyhood Bangabandhu was very kind and generous but uncompromising on attaining rights, and the leadership quality of Sheikh Mujib was noticed from his school life.
In the early forties of the last century, as a young student leader, he actively participated in politics having close association with Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Sher-e-Bangla A K Fazlul Haque. Bangabandhu always cherished the thought of Bangla, Bangalee and Bangladesh and he was the dreamer of Bangalee nation and an ardent exponent of Bangalee nationalism, he added.
Abdul Hamid said this visionary leader led the nation in every movement towards attaining democracy and autonomy including the Language Movement in 1952, Jukta-Front Election in 1954, movement against martial law in 1958, Six-Point Movement in 1966, Mass Upsurge in 1969 and the general elections in 1970.
“For this, he was sent to jail several times and had to bear inhuman sufferings and despite manifold challenges, he did never compromise with the Pakistani rulers on the question of establishing rights,” he added.
Finally, this undisputed leader of the Bangalees declared the country’s Independence on March 26, 1971 and responding to his clarion call the people from all strata participated in the War of Liberation in 1971 and achieved ultimate victory on December 16, 1971 through a nine-month long armed struggle, said the President.
“For his extraordinary contributions towards achieving Independence, Bangabandhu and Bangladesh emerged as a unique symbol to the people of Bangladesh,” Abdul Hamid added.
He said in the context of his overall contributions, Bangabandhu had appeared “before us not only as a person but also as a unique history of the time”. Bangabandhu would also remain as an ever-surpassing personality in society, nation and in the contemporary world for his extraordinary qualities and works.
“Bangabandhu is the symbol of independence and the forerunner of freedom of the downtrodden and oppressed people of the world,” he said.
Just after the Independence, the President said, the Father of the Nation devoted himself to reconstructing the war-torn Bangladesh and laid emphasis on making diplomatic relations with friendly countries and the world community on the principle of “Friendship to all and malice towards none”.
Bangladesh, therefore, was rapidly recognized in international arena for the worldwide acceptance and outstanding leadership qualities of Bangabandhu, he added.
The President stressed the need for building the young generation with a sense of noble qualities so that they can materialize Bangabandhu’s dream of transforming the country into a “Sonar Bangla” (Golden Bengal).
“Let us put in our sincere endeavours to flourish the great virtues and intrinsic values of our children from their very childhood . . . Let us illuminate our young generation with giving them proper education and knowledge and igniting deep sense of patriotism and dedication as they can make themselves as worthy citizens and love the country and its people,” said the President.
Abdul Hamid said Bangladesh is one of the signatories to the UN Child Rights Convention and “our government is pledge-bound to protect and preserve the rights of children”.
“I welcome the initiative in observing the National Children’s Day on the birth anniversary of Bangabandhu and urge upon all irrespective of party affiliation to work unitedly for building a happy and prosperous Bangladesh and ensuring bright future of our children,” he added.
He prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul of Bangabandhu on his 95th birth anniversary.
