President expects govt plans to uplift backward Haor region


BSS, Kishoreganj :
President M Abdul Hamid on Tuesday expected the government plans to develop further the socio-economic scenario of backward and low lying haor region despite its complicated geographic features.
“Haor people by now witnessed massive development but the geographic features made the region largely unsuitable for mega (development) projects,” he told a function at the end of his three-day visit to his home town.
But, he said the region was expected to witness further development in view of the government plan for balanced development of areas with different topographic features.
“Being an inhabitant of this area, I am familiar with your problems in haor. I did politics with your utmost support since the very beginning . . .
I have been trying to overcome your problems within my capacity,” President Hamid said.
The president’s comments came as addressed the silver jubilee celebrations of Rotary Degree College at Austogram in Kishoreganj.
The President, however, reminded everyone and particularly of the affluent people of the social obligation to work from their respective positions for the betterment of neighbourhood.
“Extend your helping hands to the under-privileged people,” he said.
The President also urged the teachers in haor areas to give special attention for raising quality of education as “there is no alternative to the education for a sustainable development and modernization”.
He regretted that many come to him seeking jobs, but they fail to pass in written tests during recruitment process.
Simultaneously, he said, students must make themselves efficient in creative and nation-building activities alongside pursuing their academic studies.
The President said flourishing democracy and political stability is a must for the development of a country as he appreciated Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina’s stewardship in steering the country on the “highway of development”.
“Bangladesh is now a role model globally due to its socio-economic development with increased per capita income and life expectancy and decline of poverty rate,” he said.
