President asks students to be equipped with knowledge


President Abdul Hamid on Saturday asked the students to prepare themselves with knowledge and skills for turning Bangladesh into a prosperous country as per the government’s ‘Vision-2041’.
“Bangladesh has already become lower-middle income country and it will soon be a middle-income country. So, you (students) have to think how Bangladesh can be made a prosperous country as per the Vision-2041,” the President said while addressing the closing ceremony of the National Education Week-2016 at Osmani Memorial Hall here.
Describing the students as the future leader of the country, he said students must achieve the leadership abilities along with acquiring knowledge for leading the nation in future.
“You must know the history of liberation struggle and Liberation War. This country achieved independence through a long struggle and a bloody Liberation War under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and three million people had to sacrifice their lives,” he said.
Highlighting the importance of education, President Hamid said education turns the people into human resource and education is the main weapon to eradicate exploitation, corruption and injustice as well as ignorance from the society. Flourishing of talents and knowledge of students should be the main aim and objective of education because education is the main weapon for building a developed, prosperous and science-oriented nation.
President Hamid said Bangabandhu gave education the highest importance and the present government also attaches top priority to it to build the ‘Golden Bengal’ as per the dream of Bangabandhu. Poor and meritorious students up to degree level are given stipends and, primary and secondary level students are given textbooks for free at the beginning of new year, he said, adding that 23,331 multimedia class rooms have already been set up at secondary level schools across the country as part of the government’s plan to digitize education system.
Moreover, formulation of Education Policy 2010 and its implementation, introduction of
creative questioning method, holding public examinations and timely publication of results and setting up of computer lab at schools are the epoch-making steps of the present government, the President added.
The President congratulated the students who participated in the divisional level competition in different categories and achieved recognition and expressed the hope that they would continue to maintain this achievement throughout their life. He handed over medals to 89 students who won the competition in different categories.
Education minister Nurul Islam Nahid, education secretary Md Sohrab Hossain and director general of the directorate of the secondary and higher secondary education Prof Fahima Khatun, among others, spoke on the occasion.
