Preparedness for disaster management amid climate change stressed

BSS, Rangpur :
Speakers at an orientation workshop have stressed for having early community-based preparedness to reduce loss of lives and properties during natural disasters being triggered by changing climate.
They put special emphasis on creating adequate awareness and ensuring efficient emergency response management systems at the community levels through effective dissemination of information to minimise damages during natural disasters.
Rangpur City Corporation (RCC) in association with ‘Pollishree’ jointly organised the workshop on ‘Enhancing Inclusive Disaster Resilience in Bangladesh’ on Wednesday at Robertsonsganj Girls’ High School & College auditorium in the city.
The RCC organised the workshop to implement the Disaster Preparedness ECHO programme (DIPECHO) through institutionalising the Community-based Disaster Management Preparedness Model involving the local population at the ward levels.
With the financial support of the Oxfam-GB, ‘Pollishree’ an NGO, has been introducing the DIPECHO on behalf of the National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives (NARRI) for reducing disaster risks at the urban community levels.
Project Coordinator of ‘Pollishree’ Shahanaz Parveen delivered the welcome speech narrating the goals and objectives of the programme for enhancing disaster management capacity and expertise of the community people to adapt with adverse situations.
Noted social worker Lokman Hossain Mandal attended and addressed the workshop as the chief guest with City Councilor Abdur Razzaque Mandal (Ward No-26) in the chair.
Female City Councilor from reserved Ward Manjuri Begum, Principal of the educational institution Obaidul Islam, its former Acting Principal Asma Chowdhury, locale elite Abdullahel baki and Engineer Almas Hossain also addressed the workshop.
Project Advocacy and Communication Officer of ‘Pollishree’ Rezaul Karim Reza moderated the workshop participated by leaders and members of the local community-based organisations, civil society members, teachers and community people.
In their speeches, the speakers narrated various types of natural disasters, earthquake, cyclones, tornadoes and statistics with loses of human lives and properties and suggested way-outs for reducing disaster risks amid adverse impacts of climate change.
They stressed for coordinated efforts of the GO-NGOs, public representatives and local community leaders in creating awareness and disseminating necessary knowledge among the people to reduce losses during earthquake and other natural disasters.
The chief guest said there is no alternative to creating awareness, early preparedness and efficient emergency response management systems through effective dissemination of information among the commoners to minimise damages during natural disasters.
He stressed for innovating need-based local mechanisms at the community levels in the urban and well as rural areas with early preparedness involving the community people to minimise damages during natural disasters.
He put special emphasis on ensuring efficient emergency response management systems by adopting precautionary measures and effective dissemination of information with early preparedness to minimise damages to the minimum during natural disasters.