Preparations on to hold Upazila AL confce in Raozan soon

Preparatory meeting of Raozan Upazila Awami League was held at party office in Raozan recently to hold the ensuing Upazila conference . Panel Mayor Bashir Khan seen addressing the meeting.
Preparatory meeting of Raozan Upazila Awami League was held at party office in Raozan recently to hold the ensuing Upazila conference . Panel Mayor Bashir Khan seen addressing the meeting.
Chattogram Bureau :
With a view to comply the directives of the Awami League central committee for holding the next District and Upazila conference , Raozan Upazila AL held a preparatory meeting at Party office premises in Raozan recently .
 Panel Mayor of Raozan Pourashava and acting Secretary of Upazila AL Bashiruddin Khan presided over it. Respective ward and union committee of the party are being held in phases to select their next office bearers of the committees. Mentionable that after the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , the control of the Raozan upazila goes to the hands of BNP and its allies Jamaat. Before national election in 1996, veteran AL leaders late Abdullah al Haroon Chowdhury and late ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury had worked hard to face the anti-liberation forces.