Preparations afoot to welcome Pahela Baishakh today

KHULNA UNIVERSITY: Students of Fine Arts Institute are busy in taking preparations ahead of Pahela Baishakh. This picture was taken yesterday.
KHULNA UNIVERSITY: Students of Fine Arts Institute are busy in taking preparations ahead of Pahela Baishakh. This picture was taken yesterday.
National Desk :
All-out preparations have been completed in different districts to welcome Pahela Baishak, the first day of Bangla New Year, today. Various programmes were taken to celebrate the day. Our correspondents and agencies report :
Rangpur Correspondent says : A festive mood is prevailing among the common people to welcome Pahela Boishakh, the first day of Bengali New Year, here amid traditional festivities today.
The divisional city of Rangpur, upazila towns and important places have worn cheerful looks with law enforcement agencies taking tight security measures to celebrate the occasion.
The authorities of Rangpur City Corporation, district and upazila administrations, educational institutions and other organisations have completed preparations to welcome the new year in a befitting manner.
The government departments, non-governmental, socio-cultural, professional, business and other organisations and private bodies have also taken preparations to celebrate the occasion.
Celebration of the ‘Chaitra Sangkranti’, the last day of the outgoing year, began today in the hats, bazars, groceries, sales centers and important places all over the district through traditional ‘Halkhata’ for renewal of business accounts clearing dues.
Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC-General) of Rangpur Rabiul Islam said the district administration has taken colourful programmes to welcome ‘Pahela Boishakh’ with traditional festivities of the Bangalees.
The celebrations will begin with traditional ‘Baishakhi’ programmes of Shishu Academy and Shilpokola Academy on the Banyan Tree premises in Zila School ground and ‘Sommilito Sangskriti Jyote’ on the Central Shaheed Minar premises in the city.
The district administration in association with other organisations will bring out the main ‘Boishakhi’ procession of ‘Mongal Shobhajatra’ from Zila School to welcome the Bengali New Year-1425.
Tens of hundreds of people of all ages, wearing traditional dresses and carrying festoons, placards, banners and singing ‘Esho Hey Boishakh, Esho Esho’ will participate in the ‘Mongal Shobhajatra’ to welcome ‘Pahela Boishakh.’
The procession will again return there after parading the main city streets.
Mayor of Rangpur Mostafizar Rahman Mostafa, Divisional Commissioner Kazi Hassan Ahmed, Deputy Inspector General of Police Khondker Golam Faruk, Zila Parishad Chairman Advocate Chhafia Khanom, Deputy Commissioner Enamul Habib, Police Super Mizanur Rahman, acting president of district Awami League Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed, will take part in the ‘Mongal Shobhajatra’, among others.
The traditional ‘Boishakhi Mela’, cultural functions, staging of dramas, doll-dances, ‘Nagor Dola’, ‘Ha-Du-Du’, ‘Lathi Khela’, kite flying and sports competitions and discussions will be arranged at the district and upazila levels and rural areas to welcome the event.
Improved diets will be served by the authorities concerned to the inmates of all hospitals, Rangpur Central Jail, orphanages, shishu paribars, vagabond centres and orphanages in the district. The district administration will organise the main discussion on the Central Shaheed Minar premises in the afternoon.
BSS from Gaibandha adds: All preparations have been completed here to welcome Pahela Boishak, the first day of Bangla New Year, today.
To mark the day, the district and upazila administrations, different educational and socio-cultural organizations have chalked out elaborate programmes separately.
The programmes include gathering, bringing out ‘Mongal Shobhayatra’ in the morning, eating of panta vaat with fried hilsha fish and chili, distributing improved diets to the jail inmates and the children of Shishu Paribars.
The programmes also include art and essay writing competition, holding Boishakhi mela at Independence Square, discussion meeting, cultural function, staging dramas, puppet shows and prizes distribution.
Businessmen in haats-bazars (market places), groceries, sales centers and important places in both rural and urban areas are taking preparations to organize traditional Halkhata (opening new tally books) and distribute sweets among their customers.
The police administration have also taken tight security measures to ensure law and order for peaceful celebrations of the day, said Police Super Abdul Mannan Miah.
BSS from Rajshahi adds: Pahela Baishakh, the first day of the Bengali New Year, will be celebrated in the city and its adjacent areas tomorrow with a festive mood and enthusiasm like other parts of the country.
Local administration, Rajshahi City Corporation, educational institutions, political parties and various other social and cultural organizations chalked out elaborate programmes marking the celebration.
Programmes of the day will be heralded in the city amid a “Mongol Shobayatra” on Collegiate School premises. Rajshahi district administration will arrange the colourful rally.
Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) will host a daylong celebration programmes. Mayor Mosaddeque Hossain Bulbul will participate in most of the programmes.
Cultural groups and different organisations including Sammilita Sangskritik Jote will arrange various programmes like musical functions, colourful marches and street side Baishakhi fairs in the city. They will bring out Baishakhi processions in the city streets. Baishakhi Melas, cultural functions, staging of dramas, doll-dances, Nagor Dola, kite flying competitions and discussions meeting will also be held.
Various educational institutions including Rajshahi University, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi College and Rajshahi Medical College have set various programmes to celebrate the festival.