Preparations afoot to observe Independence Day today


Sylhet Correspondent :

All preparations are set to observe the Independence Day and National Day in Sylhet in a befitting manner on March 26 (Today).
The concerned district and upazila administrations, Sylhet unit of Awami League (AL), Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Jatiya Party (Ershad), Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) and its associate organisations, different socio-cultural and professional organisations and educational institutions have chalked out elaborate programmes to observe the Day. As per the finalised programmes, observance of the Day will begin through placing of floral wreaths at the Sylhet central Shohidminar in the Sylhet city and all the upazila headquarters at zero hours on March 26.
The programmes, include heralding of 31 gun salutes, placing wreaths at the monuments of the martyred Freedom Fighters (FFs) and Shaheed Minars, hoisting of the national flag atop all the government, the semi-government, the autonomous and the private buildings, decoration of the city streets with national flags, miniature posters and banners.
March-pasts and physical displays by the FFs, Police, Ansar-VDP, BNCC, scouts, students, screening of documentary films on Liberation War, photo exhibition on War of Liberation, sports and drawing competitions, cultural functions will be held.
BSS from Faridpur adds: The 44th Independence and National Day will be observed in this district in a befitting manner on March 26.
An elaborate programme to celebrate the great event has been chalked out at a recent meeting in the conference room of the deputy commissioner (DC) here. DC Abu Hena Morshed Zaman chaired the meeting.
The day’s programme will begin with 31-gun salute at Police Line before dawn followed by hoisting of national flag atop all public and private buildings.
People of all walks of life will pay tributes to martyred freedom fighters of the liberation war by placing wreaths at the independence plaque in Goalchamat area of the town.
An independence rally will parade the town streets from Goalchamat to Sk. Jamal stadium. The participants of the rally will pay tributes to the martyred freedom fighters and prayed for salvation of the departed souls at the local stadium.
A rally and march past by Police, Ansar, VDP, BNCC, Scout and students of educational institutions will be held at the stadium where the DC will take salute after hoisting the national flag ceremonially.
The programme of singing National Anthem in chorus by nearly 5000 will held at the stadium at 11a.m.
BSS from Rajshahi reports:Rajshahi City Corporation and district administration together with various political, social and cultural organizations and educational institutions including Rajshahi University chalked out elaborate programmes to celebrate the Independence and National Day here tomorrow with much enthusiasm and patriotic zeal.
The day’s programmes will begin with heralding of 31 gun salutes at Police Line and placing of floral wreaths at the altar of the city’s Shaheed Miners at the zero hours.
The programmes are also included hoisting of national flag atop all government, semi-government, private and public buildings, institutions, reception to the FFs and screening of documentary films at different cinema halls and other open places.
A combined march-past of the police, ansar-VDP, fire service, BNCC, scouts, girl guides, jail guards and students of different educational institutions will be held at district stadium in the morning.
BSS from Khulna reports: Khulna district administration have chalked out elaborate programme to celebrate the Independence and National Day- 2014 here in a befitting manner today (Wednesday).
To mark the Day on March 26, Khulna district administration will place a wreath at the Gallamary Memorial in the city at dawn followed by other organisations and individuals.
Essay, art, poem recitation, quiz competition on Liberation War and discussion will be held at the conference room of the deputy commissioner office.
Khulna University (KU), Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Awami League, Khulna Press Club and other organisations including educational institutions will also organize the same type of programmes on the Independence Day.

A 31-gun salute will be heralded at dawn while the National flag will be hoisted atop government, semi-government, autonomous offices and other buildings.
State Minister for Fisheries and Livestock Naryan Chandra Chanda, Muktijoddha Sangsad, Mayor of Khulna City Corporation Moniruzzaman Mony, Vice-Chancellors of KU and KUET, Khulna divisional and district administration, will place wreaths at the Gallyamari Memorial at dawn followed by other social, cultural and political parties including Awami League. The Police, Ansar-VDP, Fire Service, Muktijoddha, students of city’s different schools and other organisations will participate in a special parade at the Khulna Stadium Ground on the Independence Day at 8.30am where Khulna divisional commissioner Md. Abdul Zalil will take salute.
Liberation War related documentary films will be screened at the cinema halls while still pictures will be exhibited at the public hall in the city.
Ships of the Navy and Khulna divisional museum will remain open for visitors on the day.Khulna district administration and Khulna City Corporation (KCC) separately will accord reception to the freedom fighters and will organise discussion meeting.
Improve diets will be served at the orphanage centers, jail and hospital while local newspaper will publish special issues marking the significance of the Independence Day.
