Preparation of local adaptation plan to face climate change impact stressed

DINAJPUR: Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan MP and President, Bangladesh National Sramik League Shirin Akter MP are being received by Md Alaluddin , General Secretary, Dinajpur Sramik League at Dinajpur Boro Maidan during their visit yesterday.
DINAJPUR: Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan MP and President, Bangladesh National Sramik League Shirin Akter MP are being received by Md Alaluddin , General Secretary, Dinajpur Sramik League at Dinajpur Boro Maidan during their visit yesterday.
Barisal Correspondent :
Participants at a human chain rally in Barisal recently stressed preparations of local adaptation plan for facing climate change affects.
The programme was organised in front of Ashwini Kumar Hall by Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) in cooperation with Network on Climate Change, Bangladesh (NCCB).
Representatives from different social, cultural, development organisations participated in that programme presided over by Dr. Syed Habibur Rahman, human rights activist.
Among others Akkas Hossain, Anowar Zahid, Nazrul Biswas, Fazilatunnesa Farid, Shuvangkar Chakraborty, Masuk Kamal, Abul Kalam Azad, Lincoln Bayen, social, human, professional rights and development organisation activists, addressed the programme.
The speakers said Bangladesh took initiatives for a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) following the decision of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held at Warsaw in 2013 negotiating with the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).
NAP and NAMA plans were cited at the budget lecture of the finance minister of June 5, 2014. But full coordination needs between the Bangladesh Climate Change Process and Planning 2009, NAP and NAMA, the speakers told.
For proper execution and utilisation of the plans it is urgently needed to prepare a Local Adaptation Plan (LAP) for facing challenges of climate change affects, they noticed.
We have known for over a decade that Bangladesh, the least responsible countries for global warming, is first in line to feel the full force of its impact.