Pregnant woman dies due to medical negligence


Baraigram (Natore) Correspondent :
A pregnant woman named Sonia Khatun (20) died at an unlicensed clinic in Natore’s Baraigram due to negligence of the authorities. Sonia Khatun was wife of Jahidul Islam Liton in Nagar Rifujipara village under Baraigram upazila. Relatives have claimed that the patient died at the Zonal Clinic and Nursing Home on Sunday morning due to a hasty operation and negligence on the part of the authorities. But clinic authorities said he died of respiratory problems.
According to the victim’s family, relatives brought Sonia Khatun to the clinic on Sunday morning. After a while RMO of Baraigram Hospital said Dr Dolly Rani performed her caesarean operation. If the patient’s condition suddenly deteriorates during the operation, she advises to transfer the patient to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital immediately.
She later died on the way to Rajshahi. It is learned that the clinic has been running without the required manpower including valid license and diploma nurse for several years.
Dr. Dolly Rani said the relatives of the patient at home brought Sonia to the clinic in the morning. Due to this, surgery had to be done quickly. However, this has happened due to the patient having problems of breath including cough and sneezing.
But Sonia’s mother-in-law Lipi Khatun and Nanad Rokaiya Khatun said Sonia was completely healthy when she was taken to the clinic in the morning. He was not sick.
Officer-in-charge of Baraigram Police Station Abu Siddique said he had not received any complaint in this regard. Necessary action will be taken after getting complain.
