Pregnant housewife tortured for dowry in Keraniganj

UNB, Keraniganj :
A pregnant housewife was tortured allegedly by her husband and in-laws over dowry in South Keraniganj on Friday.
The victim was identified as Ila Jahan, 20, wife of Sourav Rahman and daughter of Shahjahan of the area.
The incident came to light on Thursday following filing of a written complaint with South Keraniganj Police Station.
According to the complaint, Sourav had married Ela nine months back and a few months later, he started torturing her when she became seven months’ pregnant.
Despite repeated appeals to consider that she is pregnant, Sourav and his family members continued to beat Ila often mercilessly.
Getting no response from Ela’s parents, Sourav and his family members drove out her from the house after beating her mercilessly a few days before Eid-u-Fitr.