Precaution to use dexamethasone


Md Billal Hossen :
Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid hormone which is the combination of cortisol and aldosterone hormone. A few days before, this drug was proved effective in the treatment of severe Covid-19 patients with ventilation. Most importantly, in the case of severe Covid-19 patient, there is an overproduction of cytokine, a chemical messenger that helps to maintain communication among cells called “Cytokine Storm”. Due to the overreaction of White Blood Cell (WBC) in the Covid-19 patient the cytokine is also produced more than necessary. The excess amount of cytokine causes activation of more and more WBC, a blood cell that kills or engulf foreign particles ingested in the human body. Instead of damaging foreign particle WBC starts to attack and inflame the healthy tissue of the lung, kidney, liver, and other organs of the human body. As a result, there is a membrane form in the lung called hyaline membrane composed of debris of proteins and dead cells, lining the lungs, which makes absorption of oxygen difficult. Also, some other complications such as high fever, blood clotting inside the body, extremely low BP, lack of oxygen and excess acidity of the blood may arise. To mitigate this life-threatening condition in severe Covid-19 patient dexamethasone is used as a drug. That means, it reduces the immune cells in severe patients thus reduces the immune potency of the human body. So it is not appropriate for mild Covid-19 patients as it reduces immune potency in case of mild Covid-19 patients. This drug also has some other complications such as excessive weight gain, osteoporosis, low blood pressure, worsen diabetes, and so on. A matter of sorrow that many Bangladeshi people are trying to use this drug as their own and without any prescription from physician. It can be deadly to anyone. So please use this drug as per the physician’s prescription, don’t use your own.

(Md Billal Hossen is a MS student, Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Biological Science, Islamic University, Bangladesh).
