Pre-hartal violence

100 injured: 40 vehicles torched, vandalised


Staff Reporter :
More than one hundred people received injuries, of them 10 were burnt, when miscreants hurled petrol bombs and cocktails targeting vehicles in different parts of the country on Saturday ahead of fresh 72-hour hartals of BNP-led alliance.
Apart from it, they vandalized at least 40 vehicles yesterday on the 40th-day of nationwide blockade.

In the capital, at least three people were injured as miscreants hurled crude bomb at a passenger bus at Dhaka Uddayan in Mohammadpur. The injured were identified as Nurul Islam, Hira Mia, and Muzammel Haque. They were admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH).
Two cocktails were blasted at Dhaka University campus in the afternoon that left one person injured. Police, however, held three minor boys – Ripon, 12, Hossain, 11, and Manik, 12, in this connection. At least five crude bombs were exploded near Dainikbangla intersection around 7:00pm. Besides, a passenger bus was torched near Nabisco intersection in the night at Nabisco crossing. In Lakkhipur, at least four vehicles were torched in Chandra Police Station in the district.
In Chittagong, a passenger bus was torched in front of Baddarhat Police Outpost in the city at night.
In Noakhali, at least 15 vehicles were vandalized at Chamir Munsirhat in Senbag upazila in the afternoon.
In Kisjoreganj, police in a drive seized at least 16 Molotov cocktails from a bottle gourd field at Char Palash village in the district’s Pakundia upazila in the afternoon. However, no one was arrested in this connection. The miscreants also set fire to a microbus at Chilakara village in the upazila where two persons were burn injured.
In Magura, miscreants vandalized at least two vehicles, including a car of Officer-in- Charge of Shalikha Police Station while police and BNP-Jammat men engaged in a clash at the Simkhali Bazar in the afternoon. Al least five people were injured in the clash.
