Power supply disrupted in Barisal city for hours due to technical fault


Power supply disrupted in Barisal city life from about 2pm on Tuesday to late night in most of the feeders of Barisal city and surrounding areas.
Tariqul Islam, Executive Engineer, West Zone Power Distribution Company Barisal office said, power supply in total city and surrounding areas shut down since about 2:00 PM for safety and security during a heavy downpour in the region.
After the downpour when we tried to resume the electricity supply at about 4:00 PM, a technical fault in supply line from Palashpur control room forced us to shutdown that again, Tariqul said.
Although we succeeded to resume limited power supply in some emergency feeders from evening, but electricity supply in most the 18 feeders in the city and surrounding areas started after 10:35 PM Tuesday, he acknowledged.
Our men busy in full restoration of power supply and normalise the situation within next 2/3 hours, Tariqul said. Murad Ahmed, a local journalist, said sending news and reports to various print and electronic media and publication of local newspapers heavily hampered due to long disruption of power supply in the city. Dr, Mizanur Rahman, member secretary Barisal Nagorik Samaj, said the situation created due ill maintenances of the power distribution lines and grabbing cores of taka by the corrupted staffs and officials of WZPDCO and PDB in the name of maintenances budget.
