Power bill Tk 9 cr pending with Jhenaidah govt offices

Jhenaidah Correspondent :
At least Tk nine crore electricity bills of West Zone Power Development Company (WZPDC) is lying pending with the government and semi government offices in Jhenaidah for past few years.
The bills are lying pending to 68 government offices in upazila and district level. The number of the offices was 56 in district level, while the remaining 30 in upazila level.
Jhenaidah Sadar hospital was on the top of the list among those who are defaulters for not paying the electricity bills for years together. The unpaid electricity bills against the hospital are Taka 14 lakh.
The office of the deputy commissioner (DC) was on the second position in non-payment of the electricity bills as 11.39 lakh. The bills are not paid after repeated reminders from the WZPDC corner, the sources said.
Dr. Ayub Ali, Superintendent of Jhenaidah Sadar Hospital when contacted said, the situation arrived when they could not receive the allocation against the electricity bills from the ministry of health. The area power bills will be paid when the allocation was available, the hospital super said.
Comply from some other government office was almost same when the correspondent asked them.
Executive Engineer of the sales and distribution section of the West Zone Power Development Company in Jhenaidah Shahidul Islam when contacted said, Jhenaidah municipality and the office of the superintendent of police in Jhenaidah have already paid a handsome amount against their power supply bills.
The power connection should be disconnected from any subscriber’s side if the bills are not paid in a month. But they are not in a position to go tougher as most of the government offices are service providers.