Potters & folk artists changed professions during corona crisis : BITA Research

Chattogram Bureau :
Driver by the hunder during corona endemic, the folk artists and potters were compelled to readopt new professions . This scenario of the remote potters and folk artists came out in a research of BITA(Bangladesh Institute of Theatre and Arts) recently.The research work experienced that there is no records of these artists of remote villages in govt’s book and they are not getting any pronodana (subsidy) from any govt’s end. BITA conducted online interview with the 300 remote folk artists of 47 districts from June to August last .
The results of this research works on Corona Situation and next perspective ‘ published at a online press conference arranged on Monday last .Executive Director of BITA Shishir Dutta depicted the different aspects of the research and the Coordinator Ashoke Barua clarifies reasons of research and the miseries of the remote artists. Shishir Dutta said ” Folk artists, makers of musical instruments, dance,songs including potters are passing miserable life in corona endemic period. They were not provided any govt,non-govt assistances .
A picture came out from this research .He said govt should take initiatives to compensate losses of corona period to the remote artists irrespective of categories so as to uphold the original professions of these creative artists.
The research carried out in six phases. Among these phases include theatre artists, recitation artists, paint artists, dance artists, singers and folk artists. Out of these, musical instrument makers, potters and cultural workers.
Following the impact of corona , about 21 percent professionals are thinking to change their profession. 46.77 pc folk cultural artists depend on incomes of their profession.Income of these folk cultural workers decreased by 91 percent. About 50pc remote folk cultural workers did not get any govt or non-govt help .
The research also depicted 22pc folk cultural workers changed their profession. Out of pottery workers, the incomes of doll makers decreased by 97 pc , earthen ware makers by 83.56 pc . The musical instrument makers alsothinking other profession and their income downed by 84pc . City based artists approx 52 pc runs family expenses from their professional income and their incomes also stopped recently due to corona situation.
The workers so related with the cultural activities like illuminations, stage decorations or musical artists also deprieved of any cooperations from any kinds . The recommendations of the research works said it is essential to prepare data base of informal artists, instrument makers, folkartists, and potters etc and to declare them as Artists by the govt.
It is also recommended to rehabilitate the informal artists through evaluation of the losses of these artists during corona period. The research work also recommended to arrange cultural shows in every district of the country under govt initiatives to compensate the losses of these informal artists .