DoA sends directives to DCs: Potato price fixed at Tk 30 per kg

Despite fixing price of potato by the Department of Agriculture, the traders are selling this vegetable item in higher prices defying government order. This photo taken from city's Kawran Bazar on Wednesday shows plenty of potatoes are kept stock at the
Despite fixing price of potato by the Department of Agriculture, the traders are selling this vegetable item in higher prices defying government order. This photo taken from city's Kawran Bazar on Wednesday shows plenty of potatoes are kept stock at the
Reza Mahmud :
After being sky rocketed, the government fixed potato price in three stages directing to sale at Tk 30 in retail price.
The Department of Agricultural Marketing has directed all the Deputy Commissioners (DCs) to take step to sell potatoes at Tk 30 per kilogram in consumes level.
Meanwhile, prices of every commodity becomes high and the consumers facing trouble to meet their daily needs while their income has curbed for the ongoing pandemic.
As like other items in kitchen markets, potatoes have also started becoming an expensive vegetable, hiking by Tk 10 and selling in retails for Tk 50 per kilogram in kitchen markets.
Green chillies are sold for Tk 300 per kg. The prices of most essential commodities, including vegetables, egg, ginger, oil and rice have been uncontrollably escalating in the city’s kitchen markets in the recent days.
No vegetables were found selling below Tk 50 per kg, while green chilli prices soared up to Tk 300 per kg.
Potato is the most essential vegetable as every consumer are rely on it but its price hiking created utmost anxiety among the people.
In these circumstances, Department of Agricultural came ahead and stipulated three stages prices of the potato.
“Since the prices of potatoes have increased sharply, we have directed all the DCs to take steps to sell potatoes at Tk 30 per kg at retail market,” said Mohammad Yousuf, Director General of Department of Agricultural.
Meanwhile, per kg potato will be sold at Tk 25 in the wholesale market and Tk 23 at cold storage gate. This will be effective immediately across the country, as per the directives.
The DG said that in the current year, Bangladesh produced 1.09 crore tons of potatoes against the maximum demands of 77 lakh tons.
He said according to the data, there is surplus supply of over 30 lakh tons. So, there is no valid reason for the rise in prices.
He also said that different government agencies including law enforcers are monitoring market and prices will come down soon. On the other hand, prices of almost all commodities are increased in markets.
Visiting several markets including Jurain, Gandaria, Shambazar, Mogbazar, Farmgate and Karwanbazar, it has been found that most of the item’s price had increased by Tk 10 to even Tk 100 per kg.
Green chillies were sold at Tk 190-220 per kg last week which are now selling at Tk 300 per kg.
Aubergines are sold for Tk 85-100 a kg, papayas for Tk 50 a kg, beans for Tk85 a kg, cucumbers for Tk 100 a kg, tomatoes Tk 120-140 a kg, ladies fingers for Tk 70 a kg.
Prices of egg have also increased from Tk 34-37 for four pieces to Tk 37-38.
Local varieties of onions are now selling in retail for Tk 95-110 per kg, while the imported ones are selling at Tk 80-100 per kg. Retailers blamed short supply for the price hiking.
“Due to floods, supply shortages and season ending for several vegetables, the prices are increased,” said Aminul Islam from Jurain bazaar.
When contacted, Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) President Golam Rahman said consumers cannot afford the price hiking of every commodity including rice and vegetables.
He said average income of the people has been decreased due to the ongoing pandemic. In these circumstances, government should control prices of every commodity so that people can afford it.