Potato is not just about carbs!

Life Desk :
Potato might be looked down upon as the vegetable loaded with carbs, but what if someone told you that it is the new superfood? Yes, according to a study researchers have uncovered compelling evidence that potatoes bring a host of previously unrecognised health benefits and is loaded with vitamins, macro minerals and micro minerals.
The steam vegetable could slash the risk of having a heart attack and may even protect against dementia. Professor Derek Stewart from The James Hutton Institute said, “The potato has a definite place in the diet and is associated with good nutrition and health”. In the research paper, Professor Derek Stewart and Dr Mark Taylo have Challenged the general assumption that potatoes are inferior sources of nutrition when the tubers have just as many vitamins and healthy nutrients as the widely acknowledged fruits and leafy vegetables do.
If you love this humble vegetable and miss it in your platter, it’s time you stop feeling guilty. Here is a healthy sweet potato and spinach stir vegetable that you can try at home.
Sweet Potato and Spinach Vegetable Fry
Prep Time: 5 mins | Cooking Time: 15 minutes | Serves: 4
2 tbsp – Vegetable oil
A pinch – Asafoetida (hing)
1 tsp – Cumin seeds
1 – Green chilli, chopped
2 – Cloves of garlic, chopped
1 – Onion, chopped
2 – Large sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
2 tsp – Cumin powder
1 tsp – Amchoor
Salt – To taste
200g – Spinach leaves, washed and loosely torn/chopped
· Heat 1.5 tablespoon of oil in a non-stick pan. Once the oil is hot, add asafoetida and cumin seeds. When the seeds start to sputter, add the green chillies, garlic and onion.
· Sauté for 3-4 minutes till the onions start to soften.
· Add the sweet potatoes and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add all the spice, mix well and cook for another five minutes till the sweet potatoes are soft and cooked through.
· Remove and keep aside in a bowl. In the same pan, add the remaining half tablespoon of oil and lightly cook the chopped spinach. Just for 1-2 minutes till the spinach starts to wilt.
· Add the cooked potatoes and mix well.
· Serve hot with parathas.

– From Internet
