Posts, Telecommunications and IT Affairs Minister Mustafa Jabbar, poses for a photograph at the r-venture launching ceremony at a hotel in the city on Sunday as chief guest. Seven Robi employees started their journey for becoming an entrepreneur under the r-venture initiative. President of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services Syed Almas Kabir, Managing Director of Microsoft Bangladesh Sonia Bashir Kabir, CEO of Robi Mahtab Uddin Ahmed, among others, were present.

Posts, Telecommunications and IT Affairs Minister Mustafa Jabbar, poses for a photograph at the r-venture launching ceremony at a hotel in the city on Sunday as chief guest. Seven Robi employees started their journey for becoming an entrepreneur under the
Posts, Telecommunications and IT Affairs Minister Mustafa Jabbar, poses for a photograph at the r-venture launching ceremony at a hotel in the city on Sunday as chief guest. Seven Robi employees started their journey for becoming an entrepreneur under the

